
The Online Home of Father Jack King


  • Reading the Book of Creation: A Beginning

    Reading the Book of Creation: A Beginning

    A few days ago I searched online for a new book on baseball, the young season having enchanted my love for the game again this year. I’ve bypassed Roger Angell’s baseball prose much too long, so I placed Game Time: A Baseball Companion in my Amazon cart. Then I had a faint memory—I remember the… Continue reading

  • Holiness for Such a Time as This

    Holiness for Such a Time as This

    I imagine that January 6, 2021 will indeed be a day we remember when, where, and how we heard news that shook us to the core, the invasion of the U.S. Capitol. I watched the violence and vandalism by rioters in disbelief. I could not gather my thoughts through the afternoon and evening of January 6th.… Continue reading

  • The Brevity of Advent and the Fullness of Time

    The Brevity of Advent and the Fullness of Time

    On the first Sunday of Advent, I reach for my purple stole to begin my favorite season of the Christian year. I must savor these moments because they will pass quickly. Advent ends just as it’s beginning. Four Sundays I will speak on the themes of waiting and exile, repentance and expectation. Four Sundays, 26… Continue reading

  • Seek Beauty Amid The Strife of Tongues

    Seek Beauty Amid The Strife of Tongues

    Come away from the rancor for a few moments, my friend. In the lines that follow, I make no argument and I offer no commentary regarding the disputes surrounding our presidential election. My invitation and my appeal is entirely different in these divisive times. I invite you to seek the beauty of the Lord, to… Continue reading

  • Back At My Writing Desk

    Back At My Writing Desk

    Hello again, my friend. If you’re reading these words, you definitely qualify as a committed reader of my blog. It’s been exactly 1,114 days since I last posted an article on KnoxPriest. I’m grateful to have you back. It’s good to be writing in this space again. So what happened? Why did KnoxPriest go dark… Continue reading